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Spartan VR Free Download Key Serial Number


Updated: Mar 9, 2020

About This Game With your shield or on it!Gameplay featuresAn exciting adventure you will never forget!Epic, brutal and immersive melee combat!Block, parry, stab, slice, throw spear and use magic!Put on the Sandals of Hermes and fly like a bird!Explore an awesome ancient world in VR with your HTC Vive or Oculus Rift!StoryAre you ready to become a Spartan in the world of Ancient Greece? Have you ever wanted to feel what it's like to be in the shoes of legendary Greek heroes? Spartan VR beckons you to rise to the challenge, sharpen your spears and fight to the end!Waking up in the hold of your own ship in shackles and armed with magical artifacts of Hermes, you will under his patronage undergo a series of tests and save the little that survived in the battle of the Titans. 1075eedd30 Title: Spartan VRGenre: Action, Adventure, RPG, Early AccessDeveloper:ImmergityPublisher:ImmergityRelease Date: 25 Aug, 2017 Spartan VR Free Download Key Serial Number A cool game with a great potential! Interesting picturesque areas. I like Gorgons and Minotaurs, but I want more types of enemies. I saw skeletons in achievements hope there are coming soon.. Hello developers! I have been watching your game and waited for its release. In General, a good study of the world, high quality art, design, effects. For virtual reality this is of great importance. The gameplay I would advise you to diversify. The game lacks more interesting enemies, with different attack types and behavior. Look at hardcore games, like Dark Souls, where almost every enemy the player has to look for his tactics. Don't be afraid to EXPERIMENT and add the most unexpected solutions, and not go on about the standard solutions. In General, use all your imagination to surprise the player. It could even be unrealistic or almost fantastic. It doesn't matter. The main thing that it was unusual and memorable. More different enemies, weapons, locations, more new experiences!. This is a fun game, but it is not quite worth the money. There are many things that need to be fixed or added before it comes out of early access. First off, I use an oculus rift with the oculus touch controllers. The virtual hands seem to be lined up for vive controllers, so when I hold a weapon it is at an awkward angle, and I have to bend my wrists in a weird way in order for my attacks to be effective. Also, I am new to VR and haven't gotten around to getting a third sensor for my play area, so when I turn around, my body blocks my sensors's view of the controllers. This game has no way to turn around using the controllers, so this is problematic. Finally, there are only two types of enemies; minotaurs and gorgons. Fighting becomes very repetitive very fast. Oh, and also you can't parry with a sword. You need a shield. I came looking for a cheap hack n slash as a new vr user, and this was pretty much what I was looking for. I look forward to seeing improvements from the developers.. This is a fun game, but it is not quite worth the money. There are many things that need to be fixed or added before it comes out of early access. First off, I use an oculus rift with the oculus touch controllers. The virtual hands seem to be lined up for vive controllers, so when I hold a weapon it is at an awkward angle, and I have to bend my wrists in a weird way in order for my attacks to be effective. Also, I am new to VR and haven't gotten around to getting a third sensor for my play area, so when I turn around, my body blocks my sensors's view of the controllers. This game has no way to turn around using the controllers, so this is problematic. Finally, there are only two types of enemies; minotaurs and gorgons. Fighting becomes very repetitive very fast. Oh, and also you can't parry with a sword. You need a shield. I came looking for a cheap hack n slash as a new vr user, and this was pretty much what I was looking for. I look forward to seeing improvements from the developers.. What I write for this review is the experiance I had with the game, everybody will experiance things differently. This is my honest review if you don't like it well tough. Also no game is safe from a review wether its early access or full release. Now onto the review.I bought Spartan VR for one thing, to be a spartan warrior like from 300. Getting to play as of Greek's feared warrior around the 500 BC area. That is the Spartan I thought I was going to play as but instead I am playing Ephialtes of Trachis who can't do crap. Here is why1. Your arm's are not postioned in the same spot as they are in real life.2. The weapons are not even close to Greek history of the sword & sheild. The spear was close enought but you can only throw it, can't use it as a stab weapon.3. The graphic setting don't work, I set it to the highest it can go & nothing changed.4. The diffculty setting are the same as well, all enemies are the same, attack the same. I didn't see a differance in their skill.5. There are only 4 locations to choose from, 3 husge rooms & 1 ship.6. The game starts just as soon you pick something up wether its a sheild, spear or a sword, once you pick up an item the enemies spawn in.7. There is no tourtrial on why your arm gems glow (to find out they are some time of power up or something).8. If you use locomotion, you will get stuck in places that you can't walk out of, you hace to reset the game.9. The ship sheilds, you hold them from the edge instead your being in sleave of the sheild.10. The main issue with this game is that it's been out since August 25 2017 & there has been nothing new added. The last update was August 3rd, 2017 & that was for adding motion mode, weapon holding fixed, new sound affects & weapon texture\/bug fixes. Again that was August 3rd, 2017 its now September 21st 2018. The game been out for 1 year 1month and little has been done to it. The store videos are a 95% mis-leading. The only truth to them is weapons, location but you can't explore what you saw in the videos & creatures you fight. I know what your thinking "maybe the developer had other games to take care of as well" well Immergity only has two games. Spartan VR & AI Rebellion VR which was released April 18 2017. So in 4 months after Spartan VR was released Immergity released AI Rebellion VR. What was not a surprise was I couldn't find a single update for AI Rebellion VR, so ether the develoiper didn't release the info or just didn't do any. Spartan VR gets a 3\/10, what brutally murders this game with a volley of arrows that block out the sun is that the developer have not done a dang thing to Spartan VR. I wanted Spartan VR to be good, game where you can play as a Spartan, cutting climbs off, fight huge battles but honestly Gladius does a good job on that area aspect & has the right weapons that the Spartans used in 500 BC. That's the Pony review for Spartan VR.


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