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Unhack 2 Mod Download


Updated: Mar 9, 2020

About This Game PLEASE NOTE:Unhack 2 is unvoiced because the script is five times that of the original. Thank you for your understanding.​​A masked AI known as Program X has thrown cyberspace back into chaos. The unhacker, with next gen AI Neonya by his side, answers the call to battle. Our hero, however, is disturbed by one fact—Program X and her minions resemble old friends, friends who should have been long dead.​* * *A darker story:Unhack 1 was published in 2012, so I had plenty of time to mature since then. While Unhack 2’s characters are still a spirited bunch, this time, they will face a much darker journey.Humans VS AI:​AI will grow at a much faster rate than many of us can imagine. Will humanity become obsolete? Can AI hope to truly understand us? Prepare for a roller coaster journey through cyberspace.Puzzle segments:The narrative takes priority in this sequel, but players can still look forward to the return of puzzle segments.* * *Good luck, dear unhacker! 7aa9394dea Title: Unhack 2Genre: IndieDeveloper:InvertMousePublisher:InvertMouseRelease Date: 12 Jan, 2017 Unhack 2 Mod Download unhackme 2018. unhackme 2018. unhackme 2018 I liked the first game for combining a fun puzzle mechanic with visual novel-style narrative, delivering a very short but very enjoyable experience,Unhack 2 however throws gameplay out of the window fully embracing the Visual Novel aspect (Gameplay sections still exist, but you can actually skip them) and I think this was a good decision.What we are left with is a heartwarming story about Artificial Intelligence, family, the relationship between humanity and technology, transhumanism and the morality of creating living feeling beings just to treat them no other than a toaster.Now, one question one might ask is "Do I have to play the first game to get this?"My answer would be yes and no.While the game does a good enough job of giving you a "Previously on Unhack" it is definitely a good idea to play through the first one before going for this one.I usually only play through games one of two ways, either I play through the game in little bite sized chunks over a few weeks or even months or I sit through it in one go because the story is basically taking me hostage.Unhacked 2 was one of the latter examples.I personally was leaking fluid from my eyes by the end, I cannot recommend this more.. First thing's first, I have been looking forward to this game for about a year. I love inverted mouse's works. That beening said, I don't buy every game from them only about half of theirs on steam and some dlcs. Now to begin, the story is a solid one with a few plot twists. It has more content than the first game, like InvertedMouse said it's five times as long. However, unlike the first game it doesn't have voice acting, so you can't sit back & relax on auto play. Not nessisarly a bad thing, unless you have bad eyesight or really don't want to read. The story is also is three to four hours long if you take your time. Now Art & Music, the artwork is above your standard anime, in my opinion it's great. From listening I guess there are 20 tracks more or less in this game, they are okay to good. So no worrying, about tracks becoming repetitive while reading.Following we have gameplay, in unhacked 2 it takes a second seat. You get to do those unhacking, "mini-puzzles," each chapter I feel is quite simple compared to thefirst game. You are also given the option to skip (I don't 100% remember if it was in unhack 1), so if you came here for a plain visual novel, cheers to you. However, it is an improvement to see, as not everyone wants to do mini-puzzles. In conclusion/summary, unhack 2 has an increased story to the original, great art, many background tracks, and some bonus mini-puzzles. So I can proudly say I can recommend it :3. This is much more of a visual novel than the previous Unhack. Lots of story occasionally interrupted by short, relatively easy puzzles, much the same as one of Invert Mouse's other productions: Bermuda. Unlike both Bermuda and Unhack 1, I am disappointed to say that Unhack 2 contains no voice acting. Even so, it was quite the emotional rollercoaster all the way through.The story of this game is vastly improved compared to Invert Mouse's other titles that I have played thus far. It's no secret that there's a plot twist very early in the story; but I will say that said twist is cleverly hidden by a red herring. You'll think you see it coming, but trust me, you don't.Unhack 2 introduces us to a brand new cast of characters, and also gives us a bittersweet reunion with the cast of Unhack 1 (sans Motherworm, she's as dead as dead gets). Slight spoilers, but unfortunately if there is ever an Unhack 3, we probably won't be seeing Weedy and Debug outside of flashbacks and/or clones; so if you grew attached to these characters, be prepared to shed a few manly tears. Just warning my fellow softies out there.The villain of this game is significantly better written than the antagonists of Unhack 1, and gave me a legitimate "oh crap" feeling every time she showed up. If you needed evidence that Invert Mouse's writing has improved, this is Exhibit A.Overall, a very good VISUAL NOVEL, but don't go into this expecting riveting gameplay.. its has a great improvement in art ,story, the interests of the game and character ,i love it. In terms of gameplay it was great, I loved the puzzles and I wish there where more puzzles to be honest. I also wished there was a log so I could read back on things.Spoilers for the next part because it's going to be focusing mainly on the story. Allright so the game starts you off as the creater which makes sense, you're fighting a new bad guy with a new ai.If the story had continued on that path then I would of been happy and this game would of gotten a reccomendation.But instead Clip clip ♥♥♥♥ing dies, showing some animation which breaks my heart even more. Then the story goes like: WELP YOUR NOT REALLY A PERSON OR EVEN THE MAIN CHARICTER. and I'm like: What... ok let's see how this goes. I see the creator and I'm like: Oh so we'll fuze into the chip into his brain to make him stronger and continue the story like that. some resolution to this story at the end of it all.But then the game is like: welp here's some♥♥♥♥♥♥on how crappy ai are treated even though they're sentient and stuff.And I'm like: Ok so this might affect our charicter in the future when we fuze with the creator so we can get ai rights, right?Also i'm really liking my partner Program x at this point because she changed her clothes and hair and is adorable and protec cinnamon bun.Then it brings in charicters that I kinda care about but thought they where dead. then it brings in charicters I dont' care about at all and tried to make me feel bad when htey died. Rellly didn't care about that pompadour wearing doctor, cool pomp tho.Anyway the story concludes, Instead of reaching my full potental my charicter ♥♥♥♥ing lobotomises themselves and gives the brain to X who turns into not cinnamon bun who has to care for their mentally challenged brother who's now going to be afraid of having any power from now on. All my charicters ambitions die, there is no future fo that charicter, the creator is like: HA IDIOT i'll just make a better you scrub. I am ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. and runs off.My charicter goes from being a really cool charicter who's perversion was comedy relief. To a crippled ai with perf girl. To an ai with a mass of potential only to have all those ambitions and possabilities of being cool and stuff squandered. Then to a disabled kid. might of been fine if my charicter wasn't an ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and just split the power 50 50. They wouldn't even have to worry about making each other worse because from what I could tell the quantum computer's current processing power was bottlenecked to each ai's drivers or whatever. or htey shared a driver but still.Overall there was no point to anyting in the game. Maybe a possible clone harem ending.. The story punches just as hard as the first game and dlc did.... It plays nothing like the original game though, kiss the gameplay with dialog goodbye for a more traditional visual novel expirence with bits of really easy gameplay sprinkled in. I personally despise this change, but the story still holds its own.. In terms of gameplay it was great, I loved the puzzles and I wish there where more puzzles to be honest. I also wished there was a log so I could read back on things.Spoilers for the next part because it's going to be focusing mainly on the story. Allright so the game starts you off as the creater which makes sense, you're fighting a new bad guy with a new ai.If the story had continued on that path then I would of been happy and this game would of gotten a reccomendation.But instead Clip clip ♥♥♥♥ing dies, showing some animation which breaks my heart even more. Then the story goes like: WELP YOUR NOT REALLY A PERSON OR EVEN THE MAIN CHARICTER. and I'm like: What... ok let's see how this goes. I see the creator and I'm like: Oh so we'll fuze into the chip into his brain to make him stronger and continue the story like that. some resolution to this story at the end of it all.But then the game is like: welp here's some♥♥♥♥♥♥on how crappy ai are treated even though they're sentient and stuff.And I'm like: Ok so this might affect our charicter in the future when we fuze with the creator so we can get ai rights, right?Also i'm really liking my partner Program x at this point because she changed her clothes and hair and is adorable and protec cinnamon bun.Then it brings in charicters that I kinda care about but thought they where dead. then it brings in charicters I dont' care about at all and tried to make me feel bad when htey died. Rellly didn't care about that pompadour wearing doctor, cool pomp tho.Anyway the story concludes, Instead of reaching my full potental my charicter ♥♥♥♥ing lobotomises themselves and gives the brain to X who turns into not cinnamon bun who has to care for their mentally challenged brother who's now going to be afraid of having any power from now on. All my charicters ambitions die, there is no future fo that charicter, the creator is like: HA IDIOT i'll just make a better you scrub. I am ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. and runs off.My charicter goes from being a really cool charicter who's perversion was comedy relief. To a crippled ai with perf girl. To an ai with a mass of potential only to have all those ambitions and possabilities of being cool and stuff squandered. Then to a disabled kid. might of been fine if my charicter wasn't an ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and just split the power 50 50. They wouldn't even have to worry about making each other worse because from what I could tell the quantum computer's current processing power was bottlenecked to each ai's drivers or whatever. or htey shared a driver but still.Overall there was no point to anyting in the game. Maybe a possible clone harem ending. Thank you!: Unhack 2's launch week has come to a close. Thank you to everyone who picked up the game !Software developers know the 90-90 pattern. When a program is 90% complete, another 90% always creeps up. This applies to game projects as well, but in Unhack 2's case, it felt more like 90-90-90.The first draft of Unhack 2 was a disaster . In Unhack 1, I was able to hide a lot of flaws through gameplay, but with Unhack 2, my lack of skills became apparent.To tell a good story, you may for instance wish to describe the senses. What does a place smell like? How does it feel to touch this wall? Every step was a nightmare with Unhack 2 thanks to the AI cast. Program X can describe what something smells like, but can she experience it?I rewrote the script, and once again, nothing made sense. At that point, I had spent a significant sum on production. If this were a novel, where the only cost is time, I might have abandoned the project.And so, I took a month off to study. Watched films, read books, browsed documentaries. By no means am I a scientific mind, but I enjoyed my time with the research.Next, I locked myself in the library and created a deeper lore for Unhack. Generation 1 AI, what were they like? How about gen 2? Eight pages crammed with notes, and now I was ready to try again .Is this the 3rd, 4th or 5th rewrite? I had lost track, but I knew those password mini-games were rubbish. Let me try it this way. No, they still suck. How about this? All right, maybe you should give up.Hey, you know those mini-games from Unhack 1? Why not bring them back one more time, but with a twist? Sure, but that means more money and time. Do you love Unhack, though? All right, I will do it.Another month passed, and I could no longer tell if Unhack 2 was good. It is impossible to have perspective when you have memorized every scene in the game, almost down to the individual words.I have cut close to 20,000 words off the script. It means a shorter read, but I will never accept padding.Since Unhack 2 is filled with AI, the traditional hero's journey can be a poor fit. I will negotiate with the cast, let them do as they please and pray gamers may approve.Unhack 2 received the okay from testers, so it was time to do or die. It sure would be painful if the game turned out to be a disaster. Regardless of my feelings, Unhack 2 was at last published on Steam.Thank you to everyone who purchased and reviewed Unhack 2. Reception wise, I am glad these AI characters connected with you. The Unhack universe is complex, but I tried to balance depth with concise language .In terms of sales, Unhack 2 could have performed better. It may take several more discount weeks before the numbers break even, so I will have to live with that.If you visit visual novel boards, you will be lucky to find Unhack 2 mentioned once. This has been a trend for me, and it is indeed hurtful, but all I can do is focus on improving .If money was a non-issue, I probably would have considered Unhack 3 based on the feedback so far. I have no new story in mind for this universe, so we will see what the future holds.So yes, I had considered giving up. In retrospect, I am glad I was stubborn enough to continue. I learned more from Unhack 2 than any other game, and I look forward to carrying those lessons into future projects .The only way to improve is to step out of your comfort zone. Perhaps next time I will stumble and produce a disaster, but I would rather take risks than to grow stale. I am thankful for every obstacle I crashed into throughout Unhack 2's production.To stay up to date with my future projects, please feel free to join our Facebook community: can join connect with me on Twitter, where I post daily fun stuff: you everyone !. Unhack 2 feature list: Hi there ! Now that Unhack 2 has been released, I would like to share with you some of the features available:* * *A more mature story:Unhack 1 was created in 2012, so as a student of the craft, I like to think my skills have improved since then. I am, of course, also a bit older now. While Unhack 2’s characters are still an energetic bunch, I believe the cast goes through more of a mature journey this time around.Exploring the human VS AI dilemma:AI will play a bigger role as the years go on, so this is a good time to explore some of the questions involved. What does it mean to be human, anyway? Is it possible for AI to understand how it feels to be us? I fell in love with the topic during my research for this sequel, to an extent where I would like to explore these issues again in the future. To avoid being preachy, Unhack 2 is still very much entertainment first.Puzzle gameplay:While story takes the lead this time, puzzle gameplay does make a return in Unhack 2. In the original game, players had to constantly pause between slots to read the dialogue, which in retrospect was not the best mix of narrative and gameplay. This is why the elements are separated in Unhack 2. I want to explore other methods in future games, so I hope we can go through this journey together.Though the puzzles are smaller in scale this time, they are in some ways more complex. Let’s see if unhackers are ready for the challenge. Please note the puzzles can be skipped for those who wish to focus on the narrative.More art featuring Rosuuri:My budget and experience were limited back in Unhack 1, so I was unable to feature the number of artworks I really wanted. In this sequel, I am able to showcase more illustrations (most of which contain spoilers, which is why they are not shown on this page). Our artist this time is Rosuuri. Her works are well-known in the community, and since she is one of the best around, there is a good reason for that.3D-rendered backgrounds:Due to budget constraints in Unhack 1, I was unable to include proper background illustrations. Helen “Tayola” Schwieger is our 3D background artist in Unhack 2, and she has put together a collection of renders for us to enjoy throughout the game. These 3D backdrops fit our digital theme nicely.Brainfed returns as the composer:(Unhack 1 album art by Hybridmink)Brainfed (Matt Hamm) provided a fitting soundtrack for us in Unhack 1. He has graciously given his time again for Unhack 2, and thanks to him, this sequel contains another soundtrack that belongs in the Unhack universe. Several tracks may even include nostalgic references to the original title.* * *Unhack 2 can be purchased here:, of course, the original: you everyone !. The Final Hours: I’d be lying if I claimed I wasn’t nervous about tomorrow’s release. Unhack 2 took way longer to produce than the first game, and it’s impossible not to care after all that hardship. I in fact care an awful, awful lot.For players who are coming in new, or for those who are here from Cursed Sight or Without Within, the transition should be smooth. Many gamers will be here from Unhack 1, and this is the scenario I am stressed about.I mentioned at the start Unhack 2 is story oriented aka visual novel first, and this fact remains unchanged. Unhack 2 features a longer and more in depth tale, so hopefully players will agree as they experience the journey with Neonya by their side. Some players have mentioned they would've preferred Unhack 1 to have more story and less gameplay, and to these folks, I hope you will enjoy the results.At first, I was stubborn and insisted on a password minigame. After months of trial and error, the result was still subpar, so I replaced these segments with puzzle minigames late in development. There's no doubt about it, though. Narrative still takes the driver's seat this time around.Unhack 1 had plenty of flaws in retrospect. I’d fused dialogue into the game, which meant gamers had to pause constantly or they’d miss the lines. This approach forced me to rush the plot way more than I would’ve liked. With Bermuda it got even worse, though that might be a story for another time. I like to think Unhack 2 was a brave and decisive endeavor, but as we reach these final hours, I will betray just a moment of weakness.Unhack 2’s script is around five times that of the original, and due to budget limitations, there are no voice overs this time. Gamers have always been savvy, so I am not too concerned about this, but I do still feel rather powerless.If I can survive these hurdles, I can live with whatever comes after that. What if players don’t dig the story? Cool, I’ll have to receive the feedback and grow from it. I only pray the transition from Unhack 1 to 2 won’t leave any gamers behind.With that stuff out of the way, I can't wait to welcome you back into the Unhack universe. As Weedy used to say, “Welcome back, dear unhacker!”Neonya is counting on you, the unhacker, to defeat Program X and her clones. See you soon !. Thank you!: Unhack 2's launch week has come to a close. Thank you to everyone who picked up the game !Software developers know the 90-90 pattern. When a program is 90% complete, another 90% always creeps up. This applies to game projects as well, but in Unhack 2's case, it felt more like 90-90-90.The first draft of Unhack 2 was a disaster . In Unhack 1, I was able to hide a lot of flaws through gameplay, but with Unhack 2, my lack of skills became apparent.To tell a good story, you may for instance wish to describe the senses. What does a place smell like? How does it feel to touch this wall? Every step was a nightmare with Unhack 2 thanks to the AI cast. Program X can describe what something smells like, but can she experience it?I rewrote the script, and once again, nothing made sense. At that point, I had spent a significant sum on production. If this were a novel, where the only cost is time, I might have abandoned the project.And so, I took a month off to study. Watched films, read books, browsed documentaries. By no means am I a scientific mind, but I enjoyed my time with the research.Next, I locked myself in the library and created a deeper lore for Unhack. Generation 1 AI, what were they like? How about gen 2? Eight pages crammed with notes, and now I was ready to try again .Is this the 3rd, 4th or 5th rewrite? I had lost track, but I knew those password mini-games were rubbish. Let me try it this way. No, they still suck. How about this? All right, maybe you should give up.Hey, you know those mini-games from Unhack 1? Why not bring them back one more time, but with a twist? Sure, but that means more money and time. Do you love Unhack, though? All right, I will do it.Another month passed, and I could no longer tell if Unhack 2 was good. It is impossible to have perspective when you have memorized every scene in the game, almost down to the individual words.I have cut close to 20,000 words off the script. It means a shorter read, but I will never accept padding.Since Unhack 2 is filled with AI, the traditional hero's journey can be a poor fit. I will negotiate with the cast, let them do as they please and pray gamers may approve.Unhack 2 received the okay from testers, so it was time to do or die. It sure would be painful if the game turned out to be a disaster. Regardless of my feelings, Unhack 2 was at last published on Steam.Thank you to everyone who purchased and reviewed Unhack 2. Reception wise, I am glad these AI characters connected with you. The Unhack universe is complex, but I tried to balance depth with concise language .In terms of sales, Unhack 2 could have performed better. It may take several more discount weeks before the numbers break even, so I will have to live with that.If you visit visual novel boards, you will be lucky to find Unhack 2 mentioned once. This has been a trend for me, and it is indeed hurtful, but all I can do is focus on improving .If money was a non-issue, I probably would have considered Unhack 3 based on the feedback so far. I have no new story in mind for this universe, so we will see what the future holds.So yes, I had considered giving up. In retrospect, I am glad I was stubborn enough to continue. I learned more from Unhack 2 than any other game, and I look forward to carrying those lessons into future projects .The only way to improve is to step out of your comfort zone. Perhaps next time I will stumble and produce a disaster, but I would rather take risks than to grow stale. I am thankful for every obstacle I crashed into throughout Unhack 2's production.To stay up to date with my future projects, please feel free to join our Facebook community: can join connect with me on Twitter, where I post daily fun stuff: you everyone !. Thank you for the past five years (The Last Birdling released): Hi everyone ! The recent sales week went very well, so I want to say thank you for that first.And now for today's announcement—The Last Birdling is out ! is one of the last Birdlings alive on this earth. The Birdlings see humans as sworn enemies, and Bimonia has been taught to kill on sight.One day, Bimonia meets Tayo, a human child hunting in the forest. Bimonia fails to kill Tayo, and they instead become friends. Mother will be furious if she finds out, or worse, this relationship may cause tension between the two species to erupt.The Last Birdling explores Bimonia and Tayo’s fight for their friendship as the world threatens to tear them apart. Follow Bimonia and Tayo’s journeys from alternating perspectives. With 21 decisions and 5 different endings, The Last Birdling is a culmination of all the lessons I have learned since 2012. There is a progress tracker available, which means players can unlock all the conclusions without any guides. I have also added a glossary feature, so those who wish to dive deeper can immerse themselves in the lore .I hope you can give The Last Birdling a look and spread the word. As always, a review afterward would be much appreciated, since it will help other gamers out .Thank you for the last five years of support !. The Last Birdling: Ten days left! (sales week): Hi everyone . Just one week to go until The Last Birdling launches on Steam. I hope to have your support there and then!The Last Birdling marks my fifth year not in game development, but at least under the name InvertMouse. I have released a good 5 to 6 titles on Steam now, and they have all taught me valuable lessons.First, there was Unhack 1, which has many immature traits in retrospect. I must continue to accept critique even when it is for older titles that no longer reflect my skill level.Then there is Bermuda, which I admit is a failure. I made plenty of management mistakes, and the results are out there for the world to see. Failure is not as scary once you have suffered through it. Please let me stress all the errors are on me, not anyone else on the team.Next, we have Without Within 1 and 2. Initially, the first game received negative reviews from people who hated anime and/or visual novels. As the days went by, players who fell in love with Vinty have defended these titles. Vinty is kind, but she can also be a jerk. She is simply real.There was Cursed Sight, featuring a protagonist who had caused some divided opinions. If I were to rewrite this story, I know I can do a much better job.Then most recently came Unhack 2. This project was once a disaster due to my lack of research on AI. After months of study and rewrites, this project had evolved into my personal favorite. I hope more people may try out this title, because its themes have left me with plenty to think about.As we count down toward The Last Birdling’s release, my portfolio of games on Steam will be on discount for a week. If there are any titles you have missed, I hope you will give them a chance. usual, I hope you may consider wishlisting and/or joining our Steam community: you everyone. See you next week !. Unhack is (hopefully) not over: Hi there ! First, to set expectations, this is not a Unhack 3 announcement. With that cleared, let us proceed.First, some real talk. By the time Unhack 2 came out, it was no longer that easy to earn sales on Steam compared to 4-5 years ago. Because of this, it is tough at this point to justify a third instalment.That is, unless I take things to yet another level.The Unhack series began as more of a game than a visual novel. However, by the time I developed the sequel, I was already on a VN path, hence the change in tone. That, plus I could not convey the story without using far more words than the original.Format aside, if we compare the story quality of Unhack 1 and 2, I think the second game wins hands down. And you know, as of late, I have decided there are still more stories to tell in this series, and I wish to rectify that someday.Though I have no projected dates, here is my plan. I would like to remake Unhack 1 and 2, then complete the series with a third and final tale. The story ought to be far less tropey than the original release, and we must return to being gameplay focused, for reasons similar to what I had stated in my recent Without Within article: am currently working on a horror game named Clea:http://clea.invertmouse.comHow is that related to Unhack? See, Clea is built using a framework I have been fine tuning by the day. Save system, sprite animations, config management—frameworks that will also be used for future projects. When it is time for Unhack to be rebooted, those foundations will be in place.Clea's prototype is fresh off the oven, and for a limited time, players who provide feedback can have their names listed under special thanks. You can find out more here: would love to have everyone here as we take on these first steps together. If you are keen, I look forward to hearing from you.Thank you, or as Weedy would say, thank you, dear unhacker !. The Final Hours: I’d be lying if I claimed I wasn’t nervous about tomorrow’s release. Unhack 2 took way longer to produce than the first game, and it’s impossible not to care after all that hardship. I in fact care an awful, awful lot.For players who are coming in new, or for those who are here from Cursed Sight or Without Within, the transition should be smooth. Many gamers will be here from Unhack 1, and this is the scenario I am stressed about.I mentioned at the start Unhack 2 is story oriented aka visual novel first, and this fact remains unchanged. Unhack 2 features a longer and more in depth tale, so hopefully players will agree as they experience the journey with Neonya by their side. Some players have mentioned they would've preferred Unhack 1 to have more story and less gameplay, and to these folks, I hope you will enjoy the results.At first, I was stubborn and insisted on a password minigame. After months of trial and error, the result was still subpar, so I replaced these segments with puzzle minigames late in development. There's no doubt about it, though. Narrative still takes the driver's seat this time around.Unhack 1 had plenty of flaws in retrospect. I’d fused dialogue into the game, which meant gamers had to pause constantly or they’d miss the lines. This approach forced me to rush the plot way more than I would’ve liked. With Bermuda it got even worse, though that might be a story for another time. I like to think Unhack 2 was a brave and decisive endeavor, but as we reach these final hours, I will betray just a moment of weakness.Unhack 2’s script is around five times that of the original, and due to budget limitations, there are no voice overs this time. Gamers have always been savvy, so I am not too concerned about this, but I do still feel rather powerless.If I can survive these hurdles, I can live with whatever comes after that. What if players don’t dig the story? Cool, I’ll have to receive the feedback and grow from it. I only pray the transition from Unhack 1 to 2 won’t leave any gamers behind.With that stuff out of the way, I can't wait to welcome you back into the Unhack universe. As Weedy used to say, “Welcome back, dear unhacker!”Neonya is counting on you, the unhacker, to defeat Program X and her clones. See you soon !. Unhack is (hopefully) not over: Hi there ! First, to set expectations, this is not a Unhack 3 announcement. With that cleared, let us proceed.First, some real talk. By the time Unhack 2 came out, it was no longer that easy to earn sales on Steam compared to 4-5 years ago. Because of this, it is tough at this point to justify a third instalment.That is, unless I take things to yet another level.The Unhack series began as more of a game than a visual novel. However, by the time I developed the sequel, I was already on a VN path, hence the change in tone. That, plus I could not convey the story without using far more words than the original.Format aside, if we compare the story quality of Unhack 1 and 2, I think the second game wins hands down. And you know, as of late, I have decided there are still more stories to tell in this series, and I wish to rectify that someday.Though I have no projected dates, here is my plan. I would like to remake Unhack 1 and 2, then complete the series with a third and final tale. The story ought to be far less tropey than the original release, and we must return to being gameplay focused, for reasons similar to what I had stated in my recent Without Within article: am currently working on a horror game named Clea:http://clea.invertmouse.comHow is that related to Unhack? See, Clea is built using a framework I have been fine tuning by the day. Save system, sprite animations, config management—frameworks that will also be used for future projects. When it is time for Unhack to be rebooted, those foundations will be in place.Clea's prototype is fresh off the oven, and for a limited time, players who provide feedback can have their names listed under special thanks. You can find out more here: would love to have everyone here as we take on these first steps together. If you are keen, I look forward to hearing from you.Thank you, or as Weedy would say, thank you, dear unhacker !


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